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I will say that this film looked like okay to me. I like Mike Judge but Idocracy left a little bit of a bad taste in my mouth. Granted he was rushed and pushed around on that film so I'll chalk it up to it being a fluke. I will try to see Extract asap!
Nick, trust me when I say this film is far superior to Idiocracy. I thought that movie went for easy jokes instead of using his sharper sense of humor and the one doesn't take that route.
I guess we're doomed to A2D (the new, annoying acronym for 'agree to disagree' that I've decided to start) on this; the funny thing is that I didn't disagree with anything in your review so much as your comment just above mine - Idiocracy is brilliant, and though it also has its share of physiscal comedy, it's a burning satire that's full of everything from puns to sight gags to just plain fun abdsurdity. It also rings truer and truer as the days pass.
This one was too laid-back, too flatly written, with nothing original to say and no fresh spin on things already said. Of course, like I said, it being a Judge flick, I'm sure I'll watch it time and again on cable. I didn't dislike it, but I was definitely hoping for more.
Oh, and it's his 4th feature counting B & B Do America, though just his 3rd live-action. Minor nitpick there.
Liking the A2d, I think it can catch on.
There are certain directors and certain franchises (Harry Potter) where even a subpar effort is more enjoyable than most other movies, and I agree that Judge falls into that category.
And isn't the Beavis and Butthead movie really just an extended episode?
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