I am barely 1/5 of the way through my copy of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and I love this book. Written by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith, it tells the familiar story of strong willed Elizabeth Bennet and her romance with the caddish Mr. Darcy. But this story takes place in an England where the dead have risen from the ground and zombies are a constant threat to the character's way of life. In between the pride and he prejudice of the original novel are intense scenes of graphic violence and bloody carnage. However, the novel has allowed me to indulge in my favorite pastime, casting the motion picture adaptation.

I have read that it will be developed into a movie soon, with rumors that Summer Glau is attached to play Elizabeth. While I think she can clearly kick much ass and I love Sarah Connor Chronicles, I think for the sake of the story, the cast must be entirely British.

I think that Emily Blunt can play anything. I even have her in my remake of Charade with George Clooney. Obviously, she will have to do some physical training for the zombie killing stunts, but I think she can pull it off.
Second Choice - Keira Knightley.

Jimmy Mac is great with the drama like Becoming Jane or the action like Wanted. This is a perfect vehicle for him.
Second Choice - Orlando Bloom

Who else to play the grumpy father of four daughters who constantly trains them in the deadly arts? Well, there is always my second choice.
Second Choice - Colin Firth

Emma Thompson has not only starred in every film ever made based on a Jane Austen book, but she has also had a hand in adapting Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice for the screen.
Second Choice - Cate Blanchett

Michael Sheen can do great contemporary British drama, so why can't he tackle classic British drama?
Second Choice - Hugh Laurie
The rather secondary roles of Mr. Collins and Mr. Wickham should be played by two comic actors, respectively, Martin Freeman and Peter Serafinowicz. And the whole thing is narrated by Kate Winslet.
Oscar, please!